Articles on: Getting Started


InstaWP is a WordPress development toolkit that allows you to launch instant WordPress sites without setup time. These are standard WordPress sites where you can install any plugin, or theme, or add content with the ability to access, preview & customize your WordPress website.

It is an excellent solution curated for designers, developers, hosting companies, business owners, and others who are working with WordPress every day.

In this documentation, we will provide you with an overview of the InstaWP platform through the following sections:

Staging Sites

Let’s get started 🚀

Staging Sites

The users can create WordPress sites for testing purposes with various combinations of WordPress, PHP versions, preset Configurations and various other following functions to supercharge their WordPress development workflow.

Create SiteTo create a new WordPress staging site.See More
Configure PHPTo configure your site's PHP settings & limits.See More
Enable SFTP & SSHTo access a site's filesystem or run commands using SFTP & SSH.See More
Export SiteTo export in your local system.See More
Migrate SiteTo migrate to a new hosting provider.See More
Map DomainTo map a domain to make it easier for people to find and remember your site.See More
Reserve SiteReserve your site so that it does not expire.See More
Restore SiteTo restore your site which has expired.See More
Add a Whitelabel / Suffix DomainTo add a Suffix Domain to your WordPress site to specify the sort of website represented by the domain name.See More
Maintain VersionsTo keep track of the progress of your website's work using the Versions feature.See More
View Creds & Clone SiteTo perform multiple actions on your site, such as checking your WordPress site credentials.See More


The users can create new templates and save their existing sites as “Template” or a dedicated landing page for their shared template which enables other users to create new sites without an account with the following similar functions:

Create TemplatesTo develop templates, that allow you to save the current files and database snapshots of an active site.See More
Create Sites using TemplatesTo create sites directly using self-made templates, saving your time, and workload.See More
Create Shared TemplatesTo develop templates, that can be shared publicly on the internet with anyone.See More
Monetize Shared TemplatesTo put a paywall in front of shared templates and start making money.See More
View AnalyticsTo view the stats of users creating new template sites using your shared template link.See More
WebhooksTo connect any platform that supports webhook calls with InstaWP shared templates.See More
Setup Product DemoTo Set up a plugin/theme sandbox demo and demonstrate your products.See More


The users can manage and organize their sites by using the following in-built tools to help improve their site's structure, the way it's displayed in search engines, and the quality of its user experience.

DB EditorTo use the "Adminer" SQL management tool for a quick and easy database editing experience.See More
View LogsTo view various types of logs which show logs related to running Commands or Git Deployments of your website.See More
Code EditorTo directly write and edit WordPress source code files for your website.See More
Protect SiteProtect your WordPress site by setting a username and password for better security.See More
Site UsageTo check the sizes of your WordPress site databases.See More
Install PluginsTo Install plugins and themes to your website from open-source WordPress software.See More


The users can set a list of "pre-set" config values when they are creating a new site with the following functions from the configuration page.

Customize ConfigurationTo access, update & duplicate configurations based on your WordPress requirements.See More
Using ConfigurationsTo apply it while creating a new site, after creating a new configuration.See More


The users can integrate their sites with the Git repository which allows them to update an existing site on every push with the following functions.

Add DeploymentTo connect your existing Git repos (from any Git provider such as Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket, etc.) to InstaWP.See More
Run DeploymentsTo execute the deployment connected with a template.See More
Connect to SiteTo connect Git Repository (Deployment) to an existing site.See More
Connect to TemplateTo connect it to an existing template.See More
GitHub ActionsTo auto-create new instances (and destroy them, optionally) while creating a new PR on your Github repo.See More


The users can connect to third-party services integration such as Email marketing, Automation, Image Optimization, and Backup services by adding the following integrations.

Add a Mailchimp IntegrationTo add Mailchimp integration to connect with your customers, engage with them and build meaningful, long-lasting relationships.See More
Add an Atarim IntegrationTo add an Atarim integration to work on client projects in a more collaborative manner.See More
Add a Mailtrap IntegrationAdd a Mailtrap integration so that any email sent by the WordPress instance will be shown in your Mailtrap account.See More
Add an ActiveCampaign IntegrationTo add an ActiveCampaign to automate your email marketing for potential customers.See More
Add a page speed insight integrationTo add Speed Insights integration within the platform, which allows you to streamline your efforts toward building a faster, more efficient WordPress website.See More


The users can add WordPress Plugins on existing sites, as well as connect sites directly from their live website URL to construct staging sites and sync changes which help them to identify problems by performing the following functions:

InstaWP connect PluginTo connect your current WordPress site with your InstaWP Account.See More
Add Connect Plugin to SiteTo add and install WordPress Plugins on existing sites as well as connect sites directly from your live website URL to construct staging sites.See More
Create Staging SiteTo create 1-click staging websites from within the WP admin panel which allows you to test as many changes as possible without affecting your live website.See More
2 Way SyncTo merge your WordPress site (i.e. Live site and staging site) changes via the sync feature. The changes such as adding new pages, or making modifications in the staging site.See More
Push the local WordPress site to InstaWPTo connect your local WordPress site with the Connect Plugin.See More


The users can construct and manage web hosting that provides servers & resources specifically optimized for WordPress websites as per the following functions including various actions such as mapping the domain, deleting the site or to connect to various available hosting providers.

Connect HostingTo connect to various hosting providers that hosts websites for clients such as RunCloud, Pressable, server avatar, etc.See More
Manage HostingTo manage your newly created site by carrying out various actions such as mapping the domain, deleting the site, and migrating it into your hosting account.See More
Host with InstaWP liveTo connect a WordPress with InstaWP live for hosting live traffic.See More
External Hosting (RunCloud)To connect a WordPress site with Run Cloud Hosting Integration.See More
External Hosting (Pressable)To connect a WordPress site with Pressable hosting integration.See More
External Hosting (Server Avatar)To connect a WordPress site to ServerAvatar hosting integration and make the site live.See More


The users can add and manage a second source of revenue by monetizing their design templates as per the following functions and configuring all related hosting settings, letting individuals establish their own website(s) based on the core setup.

Create WaaSTo create a type of business model that is becoming more popular due to technological advancements and the perplexing nature of websites with web hosting to the average individual.See More
Manage WaaSTo manage your WaaS by modifying your WaaS settings, hosting settings, or its branding, checking statistics of active sites made by other users.See More
Waas IntegrationsTo connect your monetized websites with Integration for WooCommerce, Surecar, and WHMCS.See More


The users can map the domain simply by linking their WordPress site domain name to the platform it's hosted on. This allows the user domain to integrate with the platform and become fully functional seamlessly. Similarly, it enables visitors to reach your website through the domain name you choose, instead of the default InstaWP URL.

Map DomainTo make your own custom domain and make it easier for people to find and remember your site with a web addressSee More
White Label/Suffix domainTo utilize the Whitelabel feature and add a Suffix Domain to your WordPress site to specify your website represented by the domain name.See More


The users can switch hosting providers or simply relocate their WordPress site using InstaWP Live, the process of migrating it involves moving both the website's files and database to a new location. It's a straightforward process that can be easily accomplished by users.

Migrate to InstaWP LiveTo migrate your existing staging sites to InstaWP Live.See More
Migrate to Runcloud (External Service)To migrate your existing staging sites to Runcloud's Server.See More
Migrate Pressable (External Service)To migrate your existing staging sites to Pressable.See More
Migrate to ServerAvatar (External Service)To migrate your existing staging sites to ServerAvatar.See More
Migrate via URL (External Service)To migrate to any hosting company with the live site URL.See More

Create Site
Create Template

Updated on: 10/07/2024

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