Articles on: Staging

Map Domain

InstaWP allows you to add your own custom domain to make it easier for people to find and remember your site with a web address. You can also utilize domain name mapping to create separate domains for different departments, product categories, or services while still managing them all within the same WordPress installation.

Note: This feature is available in paid plans only. View Pricing here. If you are not logged in, use this link to view pricing.

In this documentation, we will explore the steps to map a domain.

Let’s get started 🚀

Using the demonstration below, let's try to map domain of a staging site.

Note: The user can also navigate to the map domain option, by directly clicking on the staging site and selecting the map domain option.

Go to the domain register panel (such as Cloudflare or Namecheap) and create a CNAME record to map a subdomain of your site.

Note: You need to enter your site subdomain name and paste the copied hostname in the “Name” & “Target” fields respectively. For example, “www or @” as a subdomain for the host field & “” that you copied as a domain name for the value field. For more information, visit here.

Enable/Disable Proxy

Using Cloudflare, the proxies redirect traffic through Cloudflare's network and protect your website from DDOS attacks, SQL injection, and spam comments. Once you've mapped a custom domain to your staging site, you can also enable the proxy afterwards, or if you want to disable it, follow the below steps demonstration below.

Further, to withdraw your custom domain name from the site, you can follow the steps demonstration below:

💡 Did you know - You can create a new site with a custom domain name on your connected hosting account. Learn about Map domain from hosting setting.

Updated on: 09/07/2024

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