Articles on: Configurations

Customize Configuration

When creating a new site, InstaWP allows you to set a list of "pre-set" config parameters such as PHP version, WordPress version, or pre-install specific themes or plugins.

You can also pre-populate your WordPress instance with random data using Faker. This is especially beneficial when your testing requirements demand material that has already been written within WordPress.

In this documentation, we will explore how to:

Access Configuration
Customize Configuration
Duplicate Configuration

Let’s get started 🚀

Access Configuration

Go to the Team profile on the Top-right corner and select the Configurations option from the drop-down list.

Customize Configuration

Every InstaWP account has a "default" configuration which you can customize according to your preferences. These configurations are categorized under the following tabs:



From this tab, you can customize the following general configuration fields:

WordPress versionTo select different versions of WordPress for your site ranging from 3.7 (min.) to Nightly (max.)
PHP versionTo select different PHP versions for your site ranging from 5.6 (min.) to 8.3 (max.)
Server LocationTo change the server location.
Reserved SiteTo reserve the site as it will not expire and will stay in your account forever (unless manually deleted).
LogoTo choose a file from your local computer as your configuration logo.


From this tab, you can customize the following configuration PHP fields:

max_execution_time (seconds)This sets the maximum time in seconds a script is allowed to run before it is terminated. The default is 30 seconds. (only premium users can configure).
max_input_time (seconds)This sets the maximum time in seconds a script is allowed to parse input data, like POST and GET. This is usually increased to allow for larger file uploads. The default is 60 seconds.
max_input_varsThis sets the maximum number of variables your server can use for a single function. The default is 1000 value.
memory_limit (Mb)This sets the maximum amount of memory in bytes that a script is allowed to allocate. The default is 128 Mb.
allow_url_fopenThis enables you to access the remote files using the FTP or HTTP protocol by toggling on/off.
post_max_size (Mb)This sets the limit of the entire body of the request. The default is 256 Mb.
upload_max_filesize (Mb)This sets a limit on the maximum size of a file that can be uploaded. The default is 256 Mb. (only premium users can configure).
session.gc_maxlifetime (seconds)This sets the login session length in seconds. The default is 1440 seconds.
output_buffering (bytes)This holds the output data before sending it to the browser. The default is 4096 bytes.
pm.max_children (PHP worker)This determines the maximum number of child processes that will be created to process PHP requests. The default is 2 PHP workers. (only premium users can configure).


From this tab, you can pre-set WordPress-related settings under the following sections:

Set default for wp-config.php
Multi-Site Installation
Pre-install plugins or themes

Set default for wp-config.php

From this section, the following values of wp-config.php will be set for new sites.

WP_DEBUGEnable WordPress to debug mode.
WP_AUTO_UPDATE_COREJust disables core updates.
AUTOMATIC_UPDATER_DISABLEDDisables any kind of auto-update.
SEARCH_ENGINE_INDEXINGSet Search Engine Visibility


From this section, set default values for WordPress settings for new sites.

Site LanguageTo select the site’s language.
WordPress UsernameTo enable the WordPress username from the following options: ⚙️Random & ⚙️Static

Multi-Site Installation

From this section, you can Toggle the option to auto-install Multisite (directory based).

Pre-install plugins or themes

From this section, you can pre-install Plugins and Themes from In addition to slugs, it also supports direct URLs (.zip), and then download the archive and activate the plugin or theme for you which is available in paid plans only. View Pricing here. If you are not logged in, use this link to view pricing.

Note: We currently support the following tested plugins and themes, which will work. Other plugins and themes can also be integrated, though they are not tested.
⚙️Plugins: WooCommerce, Bricks Builder & Elementor.
⚙️Themes (Customizer Settings): Astra, Hello Elementor, Twenty Twenty-Four, Twenty Twenty-Three, Twenty Twenty-Two, Twenty Twenty-One & Twenty Twenty.

To the the slug of a plugin or theme, use the last word in repo. For example:


From this tab, you can pre-populate your WordPress instance with random data under the following sections. This is particularly useful when your testing requirements need some content already created inside WordPress.

Core Faker
WC Generator

Core Faker

To use the Faker feature, you need to switch ON "Core Faker" and provide inputs to the following fields.

PostsNumber of posts
PagesNumber of pages
TagsNumber of tags
CategoriesNumber of categories
AttachmentsNumber of media files
AuthorsNumber of users
Attachment KeyboardsFaker will use this to create media files using this keyword as a guide.

WC Generator

Using the WC generator you can generate products, orders, coupons, customers, etc inside the WordPress site with WooCommerce installed (we will auto-install WooCommerce if not available already).

After making changes you can customize your configuration, by clicking on the Save button.

Note: The user who had created new configuration, will see save button. Rest on customizing a pre-defined configuration will need to dublicate it. For that, follow the next section.

Duplicate Configuration

InstaWP allows you to clone your configuration with all the identical settings saved from that configuration, by clicking on the Duplicate button.

Further, you perform the following operations on your configuration such as edit name or delete.

💡 Did you know - You can create your WordPress staging site from scratch by selecting Curated Configuration which automatically set PHP & WordPress versions for your site. Learn about creating site.

Updated on: 04/07/2024

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