Articles on: Staging

Reserve Site

InstaWP allows you to reserve your WordPress site so that it does not expire and it stays in your account forever (unless manually deleted or marked as un-reserved).

In this documentation, we will explore the steps to reserve a site.

Let’s get started 🚀

Note: This feature is available in paid plans only. View Pricing here. If you are not logged in, use this link to view pricing.

InstaWP allows you to reserve your WordPress site through any of the following two methods:

Method 1

(By Creating New Site)

Using the demonstration below, let's try to reserve a staging site by creating a new one.

Method 2

(For Existing Site)

Using the demonstration below, let's try to reserve a existing a staging site.

Note: You can also go to "Staging" page and do the same actions for your active sites.

💡 Did you know - You could customize configuration such as enabling reserve site or change WordPress version that allows you to use the config to create new staging site. Learn how to customize configuration.

Updated on: 13/05/2024

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