Articles on: Getting Started

Dashboard: Overview

InstaWP dashboard empowers you with the ability to access, preview & customize your WordPress website. It allows you to view the list of all connected production sites, execute commands on sites, sell templates with hosting, view blog posts, and much more.

You can also view the recent announcements from InstaWP, collect ideas and observe roadmaps for what's coming in.

In this documentation, we will explore all the features accessible within the InstaWP dashboard listed below:

Main Page
Top Menu
Team Options
Profile Options

Let’s get started 🚀

Main Page


You can sign in to their InstaWP account to access the dashboard which allows you to view and perform some actions on all your created sites such as staging, connected and hosted sites with template.

To perform the following actions on your respective sites and templates:

Sites & TemplatesPerform ActionsReferences
Staging SitesMagic login, Reserve, Go Live & More optionsSee more
TemplatesEdit template & StatisticsSee more
Connected SitesAuto login, Purge & more optionsSee more
Hosted SiteAuto login & more optionsSee more

Top Menu

The users can access all the top menu options provided at the top navigation bar.

Main Menu OptionsDescription
DashboardIt allows you to view all of your InstaWP-created sites such as staging, connected, hosted sites & templates.
StagingIt allows you to view all the active sites and add new sites to your InstaWP account.
TemplatesIt allows you to view all the templates and add new templates to your InstaWP account.
HostingIt allows you to view all the connected hosting and add new hosts & connect a new site to your InstaWP account.
ConnectsIt allows you to view a list of connected Production sites and connects new sites to your InstaWP account.


In this section, the user can view and arrange the list of all navigation bar options with the InstaWP platform-related blog posts, and many more services provided by them.


In this section, the user can view the recent announcements from InstaWP, collect ideas and observe roadmaps for what's coming in.


In this section, the user can view the warnings generated by the system and apply the recommended actions. For example, the system can generate a warning on depleting disk space. Hence, allowing the users to apply the required action and free up disk space.

Note: If there is an active warning on which the user has not taken any action yet, then the “Warning” button will stay highlighted.

Team Options

The user can click on the team profile icon from the top-right corner of the dashboard to configure the settings related to the team.

ConfigurationsThe users can set a list of "pre-set" config values when they are creating a new site.See more
IntegrationsThe users can connect to third-party services integration for Email marketing, Automation, Image Optimization, and Backup services.See more
DeploymentsThe users can integrate their sites with the Git repository which allows them to update an existing site on every push.See more
CommandsThe users can add a list of executable Linux-based commands to its prompt, which then can be run remotely on one or multiple sites at once.See more
Create TeamSelect this option to create a new team. Please note that this functionality is available only for users who have upgraded to the agency yearly plan and above.See more

Profile Options

The user can click on the profile icon from the top-right corner of the dashboard to configure the settings related to your personal account.

My AccountSelect this option to manage settings related to profile information, billing, notifications, SSH key, and more.
SubscriptionSelect this option to manage your subscription, upgrade your plan, view current plan subscription statistics, and more.
AppsSelect this option to explore and add InstaWP apps, integrations, and extensions.
Log OutSelect this option to sign out of the application.

💡 Did you know - You can view and analyse your subscription-related information such as current plan details, statistics, etc. Free plan as a default plan will be already selected once you created an account on InstaWP. Learn more about subscription.

Updated on: 19/07/2024

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