Articles on: Templates

Create Template

Templates are pre-designed layouts that include plugins, themes, and site pages to determine the appearance and structure of a WordPress website. InstaWP allows you to create and manage templates, which save the current files and database snapshots of an active site so that when you create a site based on the template later, you will have the exact same site.

In this documentation, we will explore how to:

Create a New Template
Delete a Template
Sync Template from Parent Site

Let’s get started 🚀

Create a New Template

InstaWP allows you to create a new Template through any of the following two methods:

Method 1

Go to the Templates page and click on the "Add New" option to create new template.

You will now be prompted to save the template by filling out the following fields:

Template NameName of the template
DescriptionDescription of the template
Template TypeSelect Private template that can be used by you or your team.
Instant TemplateWhen you create a new site from the template, it takes about 5-7 secs of time, selecting this option will instantly create a new site. Only available for premium accounts.

Initially, the state of the template is in progress. It takes some time to be ready. Once the template status is changed to ready then the user can create the site from this template but not before.

Method 2

Note: If a template based on this site already exists, you will find "Save As New" or "Overwrite Existing" radio buttons on the top. To test, you can create a new template from the same site from the site page.

Note: Once you've created your template, you can delete the parent site from which you choose to generate it.

Delete a Template

To delete a template, you can follow the steps from the demonstration below:

Sync Template from Parent Site

InstaWP allows you to sync changes from the parent site to the content of your template, which can be useful for product firms to keep their demos up to date. To do that follow the steps from the demonstration below:

Note: Changes are updates made to a user's WordPress site using the WP Admin panel, such as adding a new page or a new plugin.

A dialog window will appear, asking you to sync changes from the parent site to the content of your template by the following methods:



It allows you to manually sync the changes made on the parent site to template, otherwise nothing will reflect on the template. To do that, click on the Sync Now button.


It allows you to sync changes automatically from the parent site to template. For example, when you set frequency 10 hour, then changes made in parent site will be automatically synced to template in every 10 hour.

Note: The "Automatically Sync Changes" feature is only accessible on paid plans.

💡 Did you know - You can connect Git deployment to your private template only, allowing you to create a new site whenever a change occurs in your Git branch. Learn how to connect a template.

Updated on: 02/07/2024

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