Articles on: Configurations

Using Configurations (Create Site)

Once you have customized a new configuration in InstaWP, using it to create a site allows you to capture your adjustments so that they can be swiftly applied to other WordPress sites, including all the installed plugins, themes, or configured PHP limits.

In this documentation, we will explore the steps to use a configuration for creating a site.

Let’s get started 🚀

Navigate to the “From Scratch” section for creating a site. For more information, please refer to Create a Site document.

Note: "Your Configuration" refers to configurations made by you or your team, while "Curated Configuration" refers to setups designated as high-level configurations such as Multisite & Woocommerce with best-suited themes/plugins by experts.

Further, you can view your WordPress site by clicking on the link provided alongside your website URL.

💡 Did you know - You can also construct a template from the same configuration you choose while creating the site. Learn how to create a template.

Updated on: 12/07/2024

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