Articles on: Connects

Create Staging Site

Once you have connected to your existing live site, InstaWP allows you to create 1-click staging websites from within the WP admin panel. A staging site is an exact copy of your live site hosted in a secure environment. This allows you to test as many changes as possible without affecting your live website.

In this documentation, we will explore the steps to create a staging site from the existing live site.

Let’s get started 🚀

Go to the Plugins section of your connected site’s WP panel. Create Staging from your added plugin InstaWP Connect. To download the plugin, you can refer to this link.

For creating staging, you need to select the following types of staging based on your preferences:

Quick StagingCreate a staging environment without including a media folder.
Full StagingCreate an exact copy as a staging environment. Time may vary based on site size.
Custom StagingChoose the options that match your requirements.

A Customize options dialog will appear, asking you to select your information from the available options such as Active plugins, themes or skip media folder, etc.

A Exclude files & table dialog will appear, where you can eliminate the files or tables of your WordPress site.

A confirmation dialog will appear, validating your selections. Then, the staging site will be created from your existing live site alongside with website URL and your login credentials.

💡 Did you know - You can generate a exact copy of your existing staging website with the same credentials from your dashboard. Learn how to Clone a site.

Updated on: 10/07/2024

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