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How to Manage a Live Site with InstaWP?

InstaWP simplifies WordPress development by allowing designers, developers, and business owners to construct websites instantly. With InstaWP Live, you can easily develop and manage fully functional WordPress sites while streamlining hosting and configuration for a consistent online presence.

In this guide, we will explore how to manage a live site with InstaWP.

Let’s get started 🚀

Note: The user needs to create a new live site with any of the preferred hosting such as InstaWP Live and more. Refer to the Create live site document for more information.

Once created, manage your newly live-hosted site by configuring the options from the following settings:

Connect Settings
Hosting Settings

Connect Settings

Choose the Purge cache option to free up server resources, making your connected site function faster and more efficiently.

Hosting Settings

Configure the following options that are available on the hosting settings (e.g. InstaWP Live hosted site):

DashboardView live-hosted website’s space & cores used with basic information such as PHP, WordPress version, or database size.See more
GraphsView the live-hosted site's statistics, such as the number of requests the site handles each second.See more
Change PlanChange your hosting plan or customize the Addons for CPU cores/Disk quota.See More
SFTP SSHCreate a new SFTP/SSH user to establish a single sign-on for your live website without any login credentials of that user.See more
BackupsDownload the backup file for your hosted live site since InstaWP automatically creates a backup every day and stores a separate shadow copy of the site.See more
Map DomainMap your website with a new domain name by linking it to a web-hosting server, such as Cloudflare or Namecheap.See more
Run commandsExecute WP-CLI commands remotely on your InstaWP Live-hosted site.See more
DeleteDelete your live site from your connected hosting account.See more

For more information, refer to the Manage Hosting document.

Live Site Tools

InstaWP also allows you to use the following tools that are available for your live site:

View LogsView types of logs that show logs related to PHP warining and web server of your live site.See more
CloneClone your live-hosted site.See more
DB EditorUse the SQL management tool for a quick and easy database editing experience.See more

Updated on: 18/07/2024

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