Articles on: InstaWP Live

Map a Domain

InstaWP lets you map your live-hosted site with a new domain name by linking it to a web-hosting server, like Cloudflare or Namecheap. It makes it possible to use multiple domains for a single InstaWP live-hosted website.

In this documentation, we will explore the steps to map a new domain to a live-hosted site.

Let’s get started 🚀

Go to the Hosting page and locate the Live site that you want map domain.

Here, you can view your primary mapped domain and map your live-hosted site with a new domain name by linking it to a web-hosting server.

Go to the domain register panel (such as Cloudflare or Namecheap) to add a new DNS record. Paste the new domain name and IP address to the relevant fields.

Note: Each DNS record only lets you enter one IP address. To add a second IP address, create a new record and enter the same domain name again along with the other IP address.

Once a new record is added, go to the InstaWP live site and map the domain.

This will add a new domain name to the list of your live-hosted site, which you can set to the primary domain name for your live site.

Updated on: 15/07/2024

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