Articles on: Account

View Template Sales

Once you have publicly monetized a shared template in InstaWP, you can view the sales of your shared template which can be used by the other users to build their WordPress site.

In this documentation, we will explore the steps to view the shared template sales.

Let’s get started 🚀

Go to the Team profile on the top right corner and select the My Account from the drop-down menu.

Here, you will find the sales of your shared templates produced through the InstaWP Marketplace with the following details:

DateDate of purchase of the acquired site from your shared template.
PricePrice of the monetized shared template.
EmailEmail address of the user who purchased the site through your shared template.
Site DetailsThe details of the created site are from your template.
TemplateThe name of your monetized shared template.
StatusThe status of the created site from your shared template.

💡 Do you know - InstaWP commissions are 10% only on every template or hosting sales. Learn about payment gateway.

Updated on: 09/07/2024

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