Articles on: Account

Beta Mode

Activating Beta Mode in InstaWP allows you to access and test new features and updates before they are officially released. Participating in the Beta Mode also allows you to give feedback, report bugs, and help to improve the overall user experience of the platform.

To activate the beta mode (and to use the beta features), follow this:

Step 1: Sign In to your InstaWP account and you will be navigated to the dashboard.

Step 2: Click on the Profile icon from the top-right corner and select the My Account option from the dropdown menu.

Step 3: Locate the Beta Program section and toggle the button to join beta program.

Once you activate the toggle button, you will see a success message on your screen.

💡 Did you know - You can monetize a shared template and begin making money with it through the Beta program. Learn about monetizing template.

Updated on: 09/04/2024

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