Articles on: Account

Create & Update Team

A Team refers to a group of people working together to accomplish a common goal. InstaWP admins are empowered with the ability to create, update, and manage a team from the InstaWP environment.

In this documentation, we will explore the steps to:

Create a New Team
Update a Team

Let’s get started 🚀

Note: The user can buy more members to add to their teams, but they need to be on the agency plan minimum to create more teams. View Pricing here. If you are not logged in, use this link to view pricing.

Create a New Team

Let's use the demonstration below to create a new team.

Update a Team

InstaWP allows you to update your newly created team from the team setting page by the following:

Team Name
Store Profile
Tag Manager
White Label
Add Team Member

Team Name

You can view your team owner information (i.e. your name & email), change the name of your team and add a profile image to it.

Store Profile

You can manage the store profile of your team, by adding a slug and description for your store page (This is a new feature, useful when you are a creator with InstaWP, selling templates on the marketplace at store.

Tag Manager

You can manage the site tags of the team, by adding tags to your team.

White Label

You can manage all sites in this team and will have a custom suffix domain. For more information, refer to the Add Whitelabel / Suffix Domain document.

Add Team Member

You can add a new team member to your team by their email address, allowing them to collaborate with you and assign the role of the team member from the following:

AdminCan invite team members, view & delete team sites, add & edit integrations.
ManagerCan view team sites, and only edit & delete own sites.
MemberCan create new sites, can only view & delete own sites.

For more information, refer to the Add team member document.

Delete a Team

InstaWP allows you to permanently delete the team, including all of its resources and data. Let's use the demonstration below to remove team member.

💡 Did you know - You can create website from private template, as these templates can be used by you or your team only, they are not accessible by guest users. Learn how to create a site from private template using APIs.

Updated on: 08/07/2024

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