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View & Change Subscription

Subscription refers to a recurring payment plan that is scheduled on a regular basis. It allows you to gain more access to premium features and services of the platform. InstaWP lets you set up, change and manage your subscriptions according to your preferences.

In this documentation, we will explore:

Navigation to Subscription Settings
View Subscription Details
Change Subscription Plan

Let’s get started 🚀

Note: “Free” plan as a default plan will be already selected once you created an account on InstaWP.

Navigation to Subscription Settings

Go to the Team profile on the Top-right corner and select the Subscriptions option from the drop-down menu.

View Subscription Details

InstaWP allows you to view and analyze your subscription-related information from the following sections:

Current Plan Details
Current Plan Statistics
Billing Details

Current Plan Details

You can find the basic options that come with your subscribed plan such as Site’s Lifetime, Available-Sites, template & Disk Storage. Further, you can view the following details related to your current plan:

Plan Renewal Date
Monthly/Yearly Plan Price
Primary Payment card

Current Plan Statistics

You can find the statistics that provide information on active sites, templates, occupied disk storage, Git operations and more.

Billing Details

You can update your billing details to ensure accurate information appears on your invoices. This includes company name, email, tax ID, address, country, state, city, and postal code.

Note: The user can also use a separate billing email address to receive invoices, in addition to their account registered email.

Change Subscription Plan

InstaWP allows you to change (upgrade or downgrade) your subscription plans according to your preferences by following the below steps:

Here, you can choose your subscription plan based on options available with it from the following plans:


Note: “Free” plan as a default plan will be already selected once you create an account on InstaWP and add your debit/credit card to buy the plans, if not added.

To cancel your subscription plan, you can follow the below steps:

A new window will appear, asking you to select a reason for your subscription cancellation from the following options:

Not using anymore

💡 Did you know - Whitelabel is only available as an add-on not included in the pricing subscription plan, which allows you to add a Suffix Domain to your WordPress site to specify the sort of website. Learn about adding Whitelabel.

Updated on: 26/07/2024

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