Articles on: Staging

Migrate Staging Site

InstaWP allows you to migrate your existing staging sites to a hosting provider or InstaWP Live - managed WordPress Hosting. It involves copying all files and databases related to the website and then updating settings for the WordPress website to work on its new server. This is often done when you want to upgrade your website's server for more features or better performance.

In this documentation, we will explore the steps to migrate a staging site to a hosting provider.

Let’s get started 🚀

How to Migrate a Site

Go to the Staging Sites page, click on the "Go live" icon.

Note: From the dashboard, you can also find the Go Live icon (for migration) in the Actions column for each of your staging sites.

The following are the migration options for connecting to a hosting provider:

Migrate to InstaWP Live
Migrate to External Services

Migrate to InstaWP Live

InstaWP allows you to migrate your existing staging site to the InstaWP Live - managed WordPress Hosting with CDN, Security (WAF), and Backups in-built.

Note: If the user doesn't have any pricing plan subscribed to, they need to add a credit or debit card to migrate their staging site to InstaWP live.

Note: This WordPress live site will have the InstaWP Connect plugin installed, allowing you to auto-login the WP Admin panel or create staging sites and host them on your InstaWP cloud servers. For more information, refer to this document.

Migrate to External Services

InstaWP allows you to migrate your existing WordPress staging site to external services from the following options:

Choose from supported providers
Migrate via URL

Choose from supported providers

This allows migrating your staging sites directly into hosting panels by the supported providers such are Runcloud, and Server Avatar integration. For more information, refer to the Runcloud, Pressable and Server Avatar integration docs.

Migrate via URL

This allows you to migrate your staging site to any hosting company with the live site URL.

💡 Did you know - You can easily connect with any hosting provider to migrate your website. Learn about InstaWP connect plugin.

Updated on: 26/07/2024

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