Articles on: Getting Started

Create Account

Creating an account on InstaWP is a simple signing-up process that opens a gateway to a WordPress development environment allowing you to create highly optimized WordPress sites or templates, set up demos of plugins or themes, and much more under the same roof.

In this documentation, we will explore the steps to:

Create a New Account
Signin to your InstaWP Account

Let’s get started 🚀

Create a New Account

Step 1: Navigate to the onboarding page of InstaWP - Visit here.

Step 2: Click on the Signup with Email button.

Step 3: A Signup page will appear, asking you to enter the required details in the following fields:

Email AddressEnter your email address
PasswordEnter your Password
Confirm PasswordEnter your Password again

Step 4: After entering the required details in the fields, accept the terms and conditions.

Step 5: Click on the Sign Up button.

To complete the verification process, you will need to check your email as a verification link will be provided there.

If not, click on the Resend verification email button to resend it again.

Step 6: Open your email inbox and find the email verification link sent to you from InstaWP. Click on the Verify Email Address button.

This will directly take you to the InstaWP dashboard, where you can create your first staging site.

Signin to your InstaWP Account

Step 1: Navigate to the sign-in page, visit here.

Step 2: Enter the email and password and click on the Sign in button.

Alternatively, you can also sign in using third-party applications including Google, Facebook or Twitter.

💡 Did you know - Any guest user (even without InstaWP account) can create website from your shared template using APIs. Learn about Create shared template using APIs.

Updated on: 09/07/2024

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