Articles on: InstaWP Live

Plugin Compatibility with InstaWP Live

Resolving the WP Rocket's Advanced Cache Issue on InstaWP Live

While using WP Rocket on InstaWP Live, you might encounter a notice stating that WP Rocket cannot configure itself due to missing writing permissions for the wp-content/advanced-cache.php file. This issue arises because InstaWP Live has its own built-in caching system, optimized specifically for WordPress, which may conflict with WP Rocket's advanced caching feature.


When WP Rocket attempts to write its caching code to the advanced-cache.php file, it encounters permission issues because InstaWP Live controls this file to implement its own caching mechanisms. This is why you see the following notice:

WP Rocket cannot configure itself due to missing writing permissions.

The code WP Rocket tries to write includes references to its buffer classes, which would typically be used to manage caching:

use WP_Rocket\Buffer\Cache;
use WP_Rocket\Buffer\Config;
use WP_Rocket\Buffer\Tests;

Why This Happens on InstaWP Live

InstaWP Live is optimized to provide a seamless WordPress experience with its own efficient caching system. This system is designed to work out of the box, ensuring optimal performance without needing third-party caching plugins like WP Rocket. InstaWP Live's caching layer is tightly integrated into the environment, and it automatically manages cache invalidation and updates to deliver a consistent and fast user experience.

Due to this integration, InstaWP Live restricts the ability of third-party plugins to alter its caching configuration, leading to the permissions issue you're encountering with WP Rocket.


Here’s how you can resolve this issue:

Disable WP Rocket's Caching: Since InstaWP Live already has a robust caching mechanism, you can safely disable WP Rocket's caching functionality. Go to the WP Rocket settings and uncheck the caching options. WP Rocket can still be useful for other performance enhancements like file optimization, lazy loading, and database cleanup.

Rely on InstaWP Live's Caching: Trust the built-in caching system of InstaWP Live, which is optimized for WordPress and tailored for high performance. This system is maintained by InstaWP to ensure compatibility and optimal speed for all WordPress sites hosted on their platform.

Advanced Users: If you have specific caching needs that you believe WP Rocket handles better, you may consider contacting InstaWP support to discuss potential customizations. However, this is generally not recommended as it may conflict with InstaWP Live’s core optimization strategies.


InstaWP Live provides an excellent out-of-the-box caching solution for WordPress sites, making additional caching plugins unnecessary and, in some cases, incompatible. Disabling WP Rocket's advanced cache feature and relying on InstaWP Live's built-in caching will resolve the issue and ensure your site continues to perform optimally.

For more detailed information on InstaWP Live’s caching system and its benefits, you can read the InstaWP Live Primer.

Updated on: 26/08/2024

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