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What to do when Template's parent staging site is deleted?

The parent site is the staging site from which the template is created. If the parent site is deleted or expired, you cannot synchronize changes to the template. InstaWP allows you to create a new staging site from the template and mark it as the new parent site, keeping your product demos up to date.

In this documentation, we will explore the steps on how to set up the template site as a parent site when its template’s parent site is deleted.

Let’s get started🚀

Step 1: Create a Template Site

Go to the Templates page, locate the template whose parent site is deleted, and create a new site from it. For more information on how to create a site using a template, refer to this document.

Step 2: Save the Site as a Template

Once you have a site from the base template, now the site as new template. For more information on how to save the site as a template, refer to this document.

This will save the site as a new template, making it the parent site of the template.

Further, you can view the site and make changes to it, which allows you to sync changes to the template. For more information on how to sync a template from the site, refer to this document.

Updated on: 23/07/2024

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