Articles on: Commands

Add Command

InstaWP allows you to add a list of executable Linux-based commands to its prompt, which then can be run remotely on one or multiple sites at once. It lets you manage your WordPress site, themes, and plugins directly from the terminal, which is frequently a more convenient approach for moderate to experienced WordPress users (or developers) to interact with WordPress sites.

In this documentation, we will explore:

Add Custom Command
Browse Library

Let’s get started 🚀

Add Custom Command

Go to the Team profile on the Top-right corner and select the Commands option from the drop-down list.

A new modal window will appear, requesting you to add a new command name.

Now you need to enter the exact command into prompt that you want to execute on a site. For example, the below command allows you to install & activate WP plugin -
wp plugin install wp-file-manager --activate

Browse Library

InstaWP lets you browse some of the existing commands from its in-built library that you can import into your command prompt to run on a site, such as Delete spam comments, Activate maintenance mode, Export database and so on.

Once you've added the command, you can edit or delete it.

💡 Did you know - You can execute your saved commands on single site or multiple sites at the same time. Learn about Running commands.

Updated on: 04/07/2024

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